A Celebration of Paul Laurence Dunbar

A Symposium on the Work of Paul Laurence Dunbar
Thursday October 26, 2006
Shirley Graham Du Bois Library,
New Africa House
8:00 pm
A Celebration of Paul Laurence Dunbar with reading by Students and Faculty from the English, Afro-American Studies and Theater Departments along with Symposium speakers
Continued: A Symposium on the Work of Paul Laurence Dunbar
Friday October 27, 2006
Moran Conference Room, Bartlett Hall 316
9 AM Welcome Joseph T Skerrett, Jr., Convener
Dean Joel Martin
University of Massachusetts Amherst
College of Humanities and Fine Arts
10 AM Keynote Speaker Joanne Braxton,
The College of William and Mary
11 AM Session 1 Dunbar as Fictionist Gene Jarrett
University of Maryland, College Park
John Wharton Lowe
Louisiana State University
12:30 PM Lunch
2 PM Session 2: Dunbar as Poet James Smethurst
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Nadia Nurhussein
University of Massachusetts Boston
3:30 PM Session 3:Dunbar as Influence and Forefather Kalamu ya Salaam, poet
5 PM Reception