New Project for Young Writers
To the Editor of the Amherst Life Blog:
I am a Doctoral student in the English program at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst and previously worked as a College and Career Advisor for Aspira of New York. In the Fall, I will be teaching a basic writing course for incoming freshmen and would like to begin an outreach/dialogue/exchange program with high school students from all over the Americas and the group in my course.
The idea is to get students to post their writing on the online forum that I created, comment on and encourage each other's work, and, towards the end of the each semester, have students from New York, Springfield, Holyoke, and other participating cities come to the university for a college visit and a chance to sit in on several different courses including my own. In addition, I plan to organize a poetry / spoken-word “jam session” which will be open to the public and broadcasted live on the website and 103.3 FM Valley Free Radio.
For more information about the project goals and objectives, please click here
You can also view a project summary (page 1) and a flyer for students (page 2) by clicking here.
I look forward to hearing from you and hope that we can get this project in motion.
Best regards,
Jacob Dyer-Spiegel